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What can meer. do for you?

Hair that won't break! Protects against all kinds of damage and strengthens with every use.

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200 000+
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Pouzivam jiz podruhe. Mam hodne poskozene vlasy, okamzity efekt. Vlasy jsou hladke, lesknou se a krasne voni.
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Skvěle fungující výrobek
Šárka Fišerová
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Za mě super
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Používám krátce,zatím spokojenost.
Alena Míšová
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Šampon i kondicioner na poškozené vlasy od určitě doporučuji,jsem velmi spokojená.Pomohlo mi hlavně od krepatých,přesušených vlasů.Používám cca měsíc a vypadá to,že asi už měnit nebudu :-)) Petra
Petra Jeništová
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Jsem spokojena
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Ověřený zákazník
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Výrobek splňuje slibované. Rychlé dodání.
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Eva Tinková
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Úžasné produkty které opravdu fungují
Gabriela Kocourová
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Ověřený zákazník
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Hned po prvním použití jsem byla spokojená s výsledkem.
Dana Šilhánková
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Som milo prekvapena a velmi spokojna so samponon aj kondicionerom
Zdenka Madunicka
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jsou boží🥰
Dáša Hradilová
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Krásně voní,vlasy jsou jemné ,nadýchané a déle vydrží bez maštění.
Dagmar Mužíková
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Super, vyzkoušely i dalsi tri kamaradky a jsou nadsene
Kamila Kopečná
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meer. Sada pro poškozené vlasy (šampon 500ml a kondicionér 500ml)
Lenka Vokřálová
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Nemam krepate vlasy
Michaela Vondrakova
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Super. Jsem velmi spokojená. Již po prvním použití byl znát rozdíl. Rychlé dodání, voňavá krabička a funguje.
Hana Čepová
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Rychlost dodání super
Andrea Přecechtělová
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Pleasure in every way

We have a long history of innovation and decades of experience. We are defining the future of hair care and that's why nothing is like meer.
We are in the TOP 10% of the best shops
We have been ranked in the top 10% of the world's best online stores by an independent online store review.
Transparent and verified reviews
All our reviews are verified and transparent. Independent Service Awards
TOP 5% trendy shop
A worldwide independent ranking of online stores has placed us in the top 5% of trending stores.

What will our products do to your hair?

Have you ever wondered what happens to your hair and what the hair repair process even looks like?

Using good ingredients is not rocket science, but cultivating them properly, activating and targeting the right bonds in your hair is already tricky.

Our unique patented technologies and methodologies do exactly what is needed inside the hair shaft. They repair the underlying bonds. See an enlargement of the hair before and after using our damaged hair kit.

Detail of a damaged hair

Brittle, frayed ends, open scalp, cracks in the outer layer, no shine, hair lacking moisture or luster. Medium to high porosity.

Detail after 14 days of using the kit for damaged hair

Shiny and smooth with good elasticity, easy to comb and minimal breakage. Almost no porosity. Soft to the touch.

Example I


Often colored, damaged hair that is dry. The structure of the hair cuticle is not in an ideal state and the hair does not act uniformly. Due to intensive dyeing, the hair is dry.


The scalp is in significantly better condition. The hair has received the right amount of oils and is not dry. They are easier to maintain and healthier.

Example II


Often bleached hair with slight frizz, completely dry and moderately damaged. The hair is difficult to comb and style.


Frizz is significantly reduced and hair is much more manageable. The scalp is properly treated, the hair is not dry.

Example III


Often colored, damaged hair that is dry. The structure of the hair cuticle is not in an ideal state and the hair does not act uniformly. Due to intensive dyeing, the hair is dry.


The scalp is in significantly better condition. The hair has received the right amount of oils and is not dry. They are easier to maintain and healthier.

Are you ready to repair your damaged hair?

Fix your hair