Learn the secrets of beautiful hair and master the best practices.
Dry hair tends to lack moisture, shine and elasticity. This can be caused by many factors, such as using the wrong products, insufficient nutrient intake in your diet or overuse of improper chemicals or techniques in hair care.
Summer and humid weather can plague some of us with annoyances such as frizz. Frizzy hair can be frustrating, especially when nothing seems to tame it. As annoying as frizzy hair can be, most of us aren't exactly sure what causes frizz, which means we don't know the best way to manage it. Don't worry, we're here to answer all your questions.
In the hair and beauty world, vegetable oils are increasingly common ingredients. Hundreds of products are claimed to do wonders for your skin and hair. Are there real benefits, or is it just advertising? Read on to learn more about argan oil and why it's beneficial for your skin and hair.
There are a lot of things you love about winter, but the way it ravages our skin is not one of them. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a consistently warm climate, you know exactly what we're talking about.
How fast your hair grows depends on several different factors such as age, health, genetics, diet and hair care. However, you can only have control over these two factors, namely diet and hair care.
Could the glass of wine you enjoy in the evening damage your hair? Very unlikely! There is no direct link between alcohol consumption and hair loss. However, excessive drinking can lead to situations such as nutritional deficiencies or hormonal problems, which may already be related to hair loss.
Maybe you've been in a similar situation before: you're about to go somewhere, but you haven't washed your hair in days. You realise your hair doesn't smell or look its best. You might think a few drops of perfume or hair mist will help, but is it really the best solution? Not all scents are created equal and your hair deserves tender, loving care. Read on to find out what's really best for your hair.
Hair breakage has many different causes. Healthy hair depends on an inner cuticle with overlapping scales to hold the strands together. When these scales break down, the hair can dry out and eventually separate, leading to damage. This causes breakage along with other symptoms such as frizz and dryness. Read more about some of the 11 most common causes of hair breakage and what you can do about them.
When your hair feels like straw, it's usually due to a lack of moisture. Aftercare usually depends on what is causing the lack of moisture in your hair. In this article, we'll look at the common causes of dry, brittle hair and what you can do to fix the problem.
You may have heard the term "hair porosity" and wondered what it means. Hair porosity is basically about the ability of hair to absorb and retain moisture. This article takes a closer look at what affects hair porosity, how you can determine the type of porosity you have, and how to best care for your hair depending on your hair's porosity.
You may have done a little research when choosing a shampoo and conditioner. However, you probably haven't spent much time thinking about whether you're actually washing your hair properly. There's a bit more to it than just wetting your hair, lathering up your shampoo, rinsing, and repeating with conditioner - especially if you want optimal results.
Phthalates are found in products that most of us come into contact with on a daily basis. They are found in personal care products, food and drink bottles, detergents, pharmaceuticals, vinyl flooring, wall coverings and even children's toys. Although it can be difficult to avoid phthalates altogether, it helps to be informed about what they are and the potential risks we face.
Pimples can appear on the face, back, chest, arms and yes - even in the hair. Hair pimples can be a problem when combing or grooming your hair. If you have red bumps in your hair, chances are you have pimples. But it could be a sign of another medical condition.
Silicones in hair care are a topic that sparks debate - and often unnecessary concern. This sophisticated ingredient has been added to hair products since the 1970s and brings countless benefits. Despite its long-standing popularity, however, it has faced a wave of criticism in recent years. Many have come to see it as harmful and have eliminated it from their skincare routine altogether.
Have you ever wondered why shampoo quickly turns to foam when mixed with water? The answer for many supermarket shampoos is the presence of chemical foaming agents such as sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. What can sulfates cause and why is it a good idea to avoid them?
Did you skip a late night shower because you were too tired to blow dry your hair, only to hear your mother's voice in your head telling you that if you slept with wet hair, you'd catch a cold?
Parabens in cosmetics? You may have heard that you should avoid them, but do you know why? How do they affect your health, hair and are there better alternatives? Learn why they don't belong in luxury skincare.
Over the years, carbohydrates have gotten a bad reputation. People often associate them with weight gain, type 2 diabetes and a host of other diseases. While low-carbohydrate diets can be beneficial for some people, there is no reason to avoid high-carbohydrate foods altogether. Here are 10 high-carb foods that are incredibly healthy.
Many people deal with stress every day. Work, family problems, health issues and financial commitments are all part of everyday life and commonly contribute to increased stress levels. In addition, factors such as genetics, level of social support, coping style and personality type affect a person's resilience to stress, meaning that some people are more likely to become stressed than others.
Nose hairs are a natural part of the human body, they serve as a defense system. They keep harmful impurities out of the body system and maintain moisture in the air we breathe. Although nose hairs perform a useful function, you may choose to remove them, whether for personal or cultural reasons.
Has a painful pimple appeared on your face, joining the crowd of nine or ten others? Their existence has become a common occurrence in the lives of some of us, along with blackheads and excess sebum. When it comes to health problems, hormonal acne is not particularly dangerous. Yet, it often leaves us embarrassed when we have to go out without a makeup-free face.
Some practices, such as chewing slowly and eating more fiber, can help you lose weight without exercise or a specific diet plan.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body, helping to form tendons, ligaments and skin. The body produces collagen, but you can also get it from food and supplements. It offers a number of health benefits, such as promoting healthy and strong hair.
While many people turn to caffeine after a night of tossing and turning, there's no substitute for a good night's sleep. You simply can't cheat on quality sleep. There's no pill, there's nothing you can take to try to beat or try to replace quality sleep. Stop fighting and get a good night's sleep!
Soft water is definitely better for the hair. But what exactly does hard water do to hair?
When you're in the mood for something delicious, choose one of the healthy foods that will enhance the beauty of your hair and also taste great.
Who doesn't love a holiday? Sea, sun and relaxation by the pool. But UV rays, salt water and chlorine aren't always kind to our hair.
Many of us take a healthy scalp for granted, so we don't take its health into account too much. So when choosing a shampoo, conditioner or other hair products, we tend to focus on how they will benefit our hair. But for those with scalp problems, it's different. They see the constant scratching and dandruff falling on their clothes as embarrassing, and the appearance of pimples on their scalp is downright alarming. If you learn how to properly care for your scalp, you can improve its health.
In this article you will find 10 tips to help you strengthen your nails. The good news is that we can always change our lifestyle and habits to make our nails stronger.
By investing in our hair care products, you are not only supporting the beauty of your hair, but also a sustainable approach and projects to restore and preserve forests around the world.
Discover proven tips to help keep your hair healthy and strong. In the following tips, learn how proper care, diet and lifestyle can make a significant contribution to preventing hair loss and promoting hair growth.
Dandruff is not only an aesthetic problem, but it can also indicate various skin problems. There are several proven methods to get rid of them.
Want to lose weight and feel better? We offer you tips and tricks to achieve your goals in a healthy and sustainable way.
We use advanced artificial intelligence technology through to offset the carbon footprint. We support various forest restoration and conservation projects around the world. You don't even have to buy anything from us. We do this because it is one of our core business values to give back what we have taken from nature.