6 tips for healthier sleep

While many people turn to caffeine after a night of tossing and turning, there's no substitute for a good night's sleep.

You simply can't cheat quality sleep. There's no pill, there's nothing you can take to try to overcome or try to replace quality sleep.

Stop fighting and get a good night's sleep!

1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule

You can help yourself fall asleep by going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, and also by sticking to your bedtime routine so your body knows sleep is coming.

2. Prepare an environment suitable for sleep

The basics are cold, dark and silent. Turn off the lights, use curtains or light-blocking shades. If you live in a noisy environment, white noise machines or earplugs can block some sounds.

3. Avoid caffeine after 2pm

If you must drink caffeine, avoid it after 2pm as it can increase the risk of insomnia later in the night.

Give your hair a makeover

Your journey to healthy and beautiful hair begins. Replace your shampoo and conditioner with meer. damaged hair kit.

4. Do not exercise just before bedtime

Regular exercise can help you sleep more soundly, but for some people it can be disruptive if done just before bedtime.

5. Skip alcohol before bedtime

Alcohol can cause drowsiness, but it can disrupt sleep later as it wears off.

6. Create a space without technology

Mobile phones, computers and tablets can disrupt sleep because their constantly shining lights - especially those in blue wavelengths - can mimic daylight.

Complete care for damaged hair

Simple steps you can do at home without having to break your head. Two sets, four individual steps.


The effect of lack of sleep can cause a number of hair problems. One possible negative consequence can lead to hair loss and deterioration of hair quality. Solve these problems with our damaged hair kit.

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