8 ways to avoid winter damage to your hair, skin and nails

There are many things you love about winter, but the way it ravages your skin is not one of them. Unless you're lucky enough to live in a consistently warm climate, you know exactly what we're talking about.

We all know that feeling of winter dryness: rough, tight skin, chapped lips, brittle nails and hair that feels like it desperately needs a holiday in a tropical paradise. These are common experiences at this time of year, and they're not exactly pleasant.

Cause? For starters, the lack of moisture in the air dries out our skin. Because of this cold weather, we can also fall into habits that don't help our cold-weakened bodies.

Tips for the skin

Don't shower too long

Yes, hot water is very nice and who doesn't like a 20-minute steam shower? In fact, your skin doesn't like hot water very much. Long showers dry out your skin and it is recommended to shower for 5 to 10 minutes only in warm, not hot, water. The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) says that if you shower longer, your skin may be more dehydrated than before you shower. In fact, hot water strips your skin of oil faster than warm water.

Hydrate for life

The purpose of the moisturizer is to create a seal on the skin that prevents water leakage. In drier environments (winter), your skin loses moisture faster, so it's important to moisturize properly and consistently. In winter, prefer creams over lotions. Creams are a little thicker, so they will moisturize more. Timing is also important. Moisturise your skin immediately after you get out of the shower, when your skin is still damp.

Avoid harsh soaps

The use of harsh soaps or detergents can remove grease from the skin and cause it to dry out. Watch out for products that may contain alcohol or fragrances, such as solid deodorants or antibacterial soaps. Instead, look for skin care products that contain moisturizers or added oils and fats. Also look for gentle products without fragrance. The gentler and more moisturizing the product, the better for your skin.

Give your hair a makeover

Your journey to healthy and beautiful hair begins. Replace your shampoo and conditioner with meer. damaged hair kit.

Tips for nails

Bet on Vaseline

A very common problem in winter is brittle or fraying nails. While general body moisturizing can help keep your nails healthy, an easy thing to do is to use a thicker emollient, such as petroleum jelly, and apply it to your hands, especially around your nails where you have cuticles. Moisturize the area the same way you moisturize your skin.

Vaseline is also effective in healing chapped lips. It is recommended to apply it as a balm before bedtime (as its thick and oily consistency is undesirable during the day).

Perfect your hand washing

Although it is not a seasonal phenomenon, repeated hand washing can lead to excessive dryness of the nails. So the next time you wash your hands, be aware to use a hand moisturizer afterwards.

Tips for hair

More sulfate-free shampoo

Hot water can affect your hair and dry out your scalp. The more hot water touches your scalp, the more it will dry it out. A dry scalp usually manifests itself as flaking or itching. Washing your hair more often with a sulfate-free shampoo will help keep your scalp moisturized and protect it from the effects of the cold.

More conditioning

Use conditioner after each shampooing. The conditioner helps to improve the appearance of damaged or broken hair and increases its strength. In case you don't want to be like a human radio antenna, conditioner also helps reduce static electricity in your hair.

When shampooing, focus on the scalp; with conditioner, focus on the ends of the hair.

Fewer adjustments

Although we love ombré highlights and perfectly coiffed hair, too much styling causes damage. Excessive styling, daily blow-drying or multi-process hair colouring combined with winter weather is a double disaster for your hair.

Try to reduce the frequency of exposure to heat and staining. All these mentioned recommendations will help your hair to not be so dry, brittle and brittle.

Complete care for damaged hair

Simple steps you can do at home without having to break your head. Two sets, four individual steps.

Warning Signals

If, despite your best efforts, you find that your dry skin, hair or nails are not improving, see your dermatologist if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • persistent itching
  • rash
  • red, scaly or cracked skin
  • open sores or infections from scratching
  • small red bumps that can leak fluid when scratched
  • red to brownish grey spots
  • red, sensitive or swollen skin from scratching

These can be symptoms of winter eczema (seasonal excessive dryness during winter). A dermatologist will check your skin to make sure nothing is wrong and may prescribe treatment.

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