Why your hair looks like straw and how to help it

When your hair feels like straw, it's usually due to a lack of moisture. Aftercare usually depends on what is causing the lack of moisture in your hair.

In this article, we look at the common causes of dry, brittle hair and what you can do to fix the problem.

Why is my hair so dry and brittle?

Straw-like hair is often the result of common hair care oversights such as these:

  • you use drying and styling tools (hair dryers, curling irons, electric curlers, flat irons) with too high a temperature
  • using heat-based drying and styling tools too often
  • you wash your hair with shampoo with harsh ingredients such as sulphates that dry out your hair
  • you don't use conditioner often enough
  • do not include a moisturizing hair mask in your hair care routine
  • you are not gentle enough when combing your hair
  • you are not eating a diet that has enough vitamins and minerals necessary to support hair health
  • you dye or bleach your hair too often
  • not getting your hair trimmed often enough, resulting in split ends
  • you do not protect your hair from the sun by wearing a cap or using a product that protects against UV rays
  • you expose your hair to certain environments, such as hot, dry climates or cold, dry air, which can occur when the seasons change
  • overexposing your hair to chemicals, for example by spending a lot of time in the pool
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Your journey to healthy and beautiful hair begins. Replace your shampoo and conditioner with meer. damaged hair kit.

Can straw hair be a health problem?

Dry and brittle hair can be a sign of health problems such as:


When your thyroid doesn't produce enough thyroid hormones, one of the first signs can be dry and brittle hair.


When the body doesn't produce enough parathyroid hormone, you may have a calcium deficiency, resulting in dry and brittle hair.

Eating disorder

Many eating disorders lead to malnutrition, which can lead to dry and brittle hair.

How to fix dry and brittle hair

The first step in styling straw-like hair is to sort out your hair care routine. Consider changing your lifestyle and the products you use. For example:

  • try to lower the temperature on hair drying, styling tools and use them less often
  • Choose a shampoo that does not contain unsuitable ingredients such as sulphates and parabens
  • choose a conditioner and use it often
  • protect your hair from the sun's UV rays and other environmental factors by wearing a hat, scarf or other headwear
  • adjust your diet to include nutritional foods that promote healthy hair


If product and lifestyle changes don't solve the problem, see a doctor or dermatologist.

Complete care for damaged hair

Simple steps you can do at home without having to break your head. Two sets, four individual steps.

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