How to safely remove nose hair

Nose hairs are a natural part of the human body, they serve as a defense system. They keep harmful impurities out of the body system and maintain moisture in the air we breathe.

The blood vessels in the nose and face are extra thick. In the nose, they promote hair growth.

Although nose hairs serve a useful function, you may choose to remove them, whether for personal or cultural reasons. Below are ways to remove nose hairs, as well as potential risks.

1. Hair trimmers

Nose hair trimming is the safest and most affordable option for most people. Tiny scissors made just for this job are often included in grooming kits. These scissors should have rounded tips to prevent scratching the skin and bleeding.

Nose hair trimming allows you to slowly remove or trim only the most visible hairs without removing too many or injuring the delicate skin inside the nose.

Trimming nose hairs:

Stand in front of a mirror with good light.

First, blow your nose and clean up any hardened mucus that might get in the way.

Hold the scissors firmly and tilt your head back.

Trim the hair down to the skin.

After trimming, blow your nose a few times to get the extra small hairs out. Do not rinse your nose with water.

Do not try to remove all the hairs from the nose. Instead, focus on the thickest and most visible ones.

An alternative way to trim nose hairs are electric trimmers. These are made with rounded razor blades. You can buy them at your local drugstore or from an online retailer.

The results of nose hair trimming are visible until the hair grows back. It is not a permanent solution, but it is the safest.

2. Waxing or plucking

In most cases, waxing or plucking nose hair is not recommended. Pulling out individual hairs can lead to ingrown hairs and infection. Waxing in particular could damage the skin deep inside the nose.

However, there is a product on the market - nasal wax - that has been designed to remove only the hairs on the edge of the nostril. The results can last up to four weeks.

This treatment takes longer than trimming because waxing not only shortens the hair, but removes the entire hair shaft from below the skin line.

If you use wax to remove nose hair at home, be sure to read and follow the instructions exactly. If the area is sore or sensitive after waxing, wet a towel with warm water and apply it to the area. This warm compress can provide pain relief and aid in healing.

3. Laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is the permanent removal of unwanted hair all over the body. Laser treatment is controversial for nasal hair because it could damage the mucous membrane inside the nasal cavity.

Laser treatment of nose hair probably targets only the most visible hairs right around the inner edge of the nostril.

Laser treatment is the most expensive of all hair removal options.

If you are interested in laser removal, be sure to seek out a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Accept laser hair treatments only at a professional facility. Because the nose is a small body cavity, it is one of the most difficult places to treat with a laser.

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Methods to avoid

Depilatory or epilating cream is not recommended for use in the nasal cavity. Depilatories are very strong and you risk inhaling toxic fumes and burning the mucous membranes inside the nose.

There are some natural products on the market that can thin nose hairs, but read all the instructions on the product carefully. Most depilatory cream labels suggest that they are not safe for use on nose hairs.

Is it safe to remove nose hair?

Depending on the method, trimming, thinning and removing nose hair may be safe, but don't overdo it. Because nose hairs have an important function in the body, they should not be too drastically trimmed.

Nose hairs prevent particles from entering the body and reduce allergies and infections. Nose hairs also help supply and maintain moisture in the air you breathe. These benefits are especially important for anyone who suffers from allergies or asthma.

Possible complications of nose hair removal include:

  • pain
  • ingrown hairs
  • damage to the mucous membrane inside the nose
  • increased risk of dirt entering the airways

Ingrown nose hairs

Removing body hair increases the risk of ingrown hairs.

Symptoms of hair ingrowth:

  • small bumps that may be filled with pus
  • pain
  • Itching
  • Redness

Treatment of ingrown hairs

Stop any form of hair removal until the nasal cavity is cleaned and healed.

Use a warm, damp washcloth to clean your skin. Massage the area in circular motions to loosen the ingrown hair.

You can also use a sterile needle to lift hairs from the skin.

If your symptoms worsen or you develop an infection, see a doctor immediately.

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Nose hairs are a natural and important part of the body. If you don't want your nose hairs to be too noticeable, there are safe methods to limit their growth. Trimming nose hairs with special scissors is the safest method.

There are other methods you can try, but they may not be as safe as using scissors or electric trimmers.

A professional barber, dermatologist or plastic surgeon can offer the best advice and support for removing nose hair at home or through medical treatment.

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