Dangerous phthalates and why you should avoid them

Phthalates are found in products that most of us come into contact with on a daily basis. They are found in personal care products, food and drink bottles, detergents, pharmaceuticals, vinyl flooring, wall coverings and even children's toys. Although it can be difficult to avoid phthalates altogether, it helps to be informed about what they are and the potential risks we face.

What are phthalates?

Phthalates are some of the most commonly used chemicals in the world. These colourless, odourless, oily liquids are most commonly used as "plasticizers", which are used to soften plastics that would otherwise crack and break. Phthalates enter the body through ingestion, inhalation and skin absorption.

How can phthalates affect us?

Phthalates are used as reagents in some shampoos. Foams, hairsprays and conditioners also contain them. They help to lubricate, soften other substances, increase spreadability, increase absorbency, and help make fragrance last longer. Under current law, manufacturers do not have to list phthalates on product labels. Any item simply listed as "fragrance" in hair care products usually contains phthalates. The FDA has not taken any action to reduce the use of phthalates in personal care products despite significant evidence showing a potential hazard with long-term exposure.

In animal testing, some phthalates have caused malformations and permanent damage to the male reproductive system. These same phthalates are currently sold in hair care products. There is no regulation and therefore even the biggest brands on the market use them in some of their products. The only way to avoid exposure to phthalates is to read product labels carefully. When buying hair care products, stick to companies that have committed to keeping their products phthalate-free.

What are phthalates called in products and what to look for on the label?

Beware of the following ingredient names that indicate that the product contains phthalates:

  • DCP (dibutylphthalate)
  • DEP (diethylphthalate)
  • DEHP (Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate)
  • BzBP (benzylbutylphthalate)
  • DBP (dibutylphthalate)
  • DNOP (di-n-octylphthalate)
  • DiNP (diisononylphthalate)
  • DiDP (diisodecylphthalate)
  • DMP (dimethylphthalate)
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What side effects can phthalates cause?

  • infertility in men and women
  • premature birth
  • low birth weight
  • asthma
  • Obesity
  • worsening of allergy symptoms
  • early onset of puberty
  • insulin resistance in adolescence
  • behavioural changes
  • interference with the natural functioning of the hormonal system
  • lower testosterone in men
  • possible risk increases for breast and liver cancer

Phthalate-free products

Many brands offer phthalate-free products. However, the reality is that few products on the market actually contain zero phthalates. If you're looking for phthalate-free hair care products, you're guaranteed not to find them in our products. We are strictly concerned with healthy hair and even more strictly with your health. That's why we don't use any questionable ingredients. Order our phthalate-free kit today and enjoy healthy hair!

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